Researchers have found that accepting families come from all ethnic and class backgrounds, including families with no formal education or income. Researchers have identified and measured more than 50 behaviors that parents and caregivers used to support their child’s 2SLGBTQIA+ identity.
Families can support their child’s 2SLGBTQIA+ identity even when they feel uncomfortable or when they think being gay or transgender is wrong. In fact, over time, most parents, families, and caregivers become less rejecting and more supportive of their 2SLGBTQIA+ children. Education, accurate information, and peer support help parents and families deal with their concerns and learn how to help their children and themselves.
2SLGBTQIA+ young adults whose parents and foster parents support them have better overall health, and mental health. They also have higher self-esteem. And they are much less likely to be depressed, to use illegal drugs, or to think about killing themselves or to attempt suicide.
2SLGBTQIA+ youth who are accepted by their families are much more likely to believe they will have a good life and will become a happy, productive adult. In families that are not at all accepting of their adolescent’s gay or transgender identity, only about 1 in 3 young people believes they will have a good life as a gay adult. But in families that are extremely accepting, nearly all 2SLGBTQIA+ young people believe they can have a happy, productive life as an 2SLGBTQIA+ adult.
Supportive parents and families can help build self esteem and a positive sense of self in gender nonconforming children and teens. They can help them learn positive coping skills and how to deal with ridicule and discrimination from others. Gender variant youth who are supported by their families are at lower risk for health and mental health problems as young adults. They have greater well-being and are better adjusted than those whose parents do not support or try to change their gender expression. FAP research shows that just a little change for parents, foster parents, guardians, and caregivers can reduce an 2SLGBTQIA+ young person’s risk for serious health problems. So being a little less rejecting and a little more supportive can reduce your child’s risk for suicide or HIV infection and for other health problems.
The Qlink Family Video are a series of videos to educate and enable parents and caregivers to learn about ways to support their 2SLGBTQIA+ child/ youth. The 3-module support group is for parents and caregivers whose children aged 12-25 have recently come out as 2SLGBTQIA+.
The videos cover topics including setting the stage for support and understanding; learning about caregiving support and risk/ protective factors for your 2SLGBTQIA+ child/ youth; and, building the bridge towards advocacy and allyship with your 2SLGBTQIA+ child/ youth.
Thank you for watching this video! We hope that it has been helpful.
QLink delivers peer-led supports, programs, and counselling to LGBTQ+ youth between the ages of 12-29 years of age and their families, caregivers, allies and friends. QLink programming was made possible with the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and through the collaboration of Windsor Pride Community, Windsor-Essex Pride Fest and Family Services Windsor-Essex.
We would greatly appreciate you taking a minute to complete this survey. Your input will help us evaluate and improve the program. Your responses are confidential and will not be shared.
For the first 100 people who watch the QLink Windsor-Essex Family videos and complete the survey, you will receive a $10.00 Tim Horton's Gift Card.
Additionally, all participants who complete the survey will be eligible to enter a draw for a chance to win $150.00 gift card for Metro/Food Basics. The winner will be chosen at random after the survey closes and will be contacted by a member of the Windsor-Essex Pride Fest to claim their prize.
How to support gay loved ones (advice for parents and friends)
LGBTTQ+ Around The Rainbow (Family Services Ottawa)
Quick Tips for supporting Your LGBTQ Kids and yourself during the Coming process (PFLAG)
Supporting Your Gender Diverse Child (Egale)
The Family Acceptance Project: Building Healthy Futures For Youth (Family Project)
Tips for Parents of LGBTQ Youth (Johns Hopkins Medicine)
1770 Langlois Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, N8X 4M5
Phone: 519-966-5010 Email:
We offer counselling services for individuals, couples, children and youth who are experiencing challenges with relationships, addiction, depression, anxiety, sexuality, separation, divorce, parenting, trauma, self-esteem and emotional regulation and overall wellness. We also provide professional, voluntary and confidential advocacy and support services to families, individuals, couples, older adults and persons with developmental disabilities who need help finding housing, completing forms, or filling out taxes. We also support individuals experiencing hoarding, bullying, or financial distress.
1554 Carling Ave, Suite 243, Ottawa, Ontario, K1Z 7M4
Phone: 1-888-530-6777
PFLAG Canada is a national charitable organization, founded by parents who wished to help themselves and their family members understand and accept their non-heterosexual children. The "coming-out" process can be a critical time for families. When the adjustment period is particularly long or painful, relationships can become permanently damaged, resulting in a lifetime of emotional scars. People cannot always rise above the challenge of accepting themselves or their family member, and the results can be devastating, even fatal. We support these families through today, and give them hope for a better tomorrow.
Sherbourne Health Centre, 333 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5A 2S5
Phone: 416-324-4180
The LGBTQ Parenting Network is a program of Sherbourne Health Centre We support lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer parenting through research, training, resources and community development.
2109 Ottawa Street, Unit 216, Windsor, Ontario, N8Y 1R8
Phone: 226-348-3378
Windsor-Essex Pride Fest (WEPF) is a not-for-profit organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and brings together members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer and Two Spirit (LGBTQ2S+) community, their friends, allies and supporters in celebration of the unique spirit and culture of our community by providing advocacy and producing inclusive and safe events, initiatives and social programs. WEPF strengthens the sense of community and contribute to the vibrancy, health and overall well-being of LGBTIQ2S individuals in Windsor-Essex.
1770 Langlois Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, N8X 4M5
Phone: 519-946-4740
Incorporated in 2006, Windsor Pride Community (WPC) is a charitable organization whose goal is to create a culture of belonging, empowerment and acceptance for Windsor-Essex’s LGBTQ+ community, their families, friends, allies and service providers through the delivery of educational events and workshops, programs and social supports. WPC achieves its mission through education events and workshops to inform and increase understanding of the diversity of biological sex, gender identity and sexual orientation. Workshops and education events are delivered to teachers, school administrators, social workers, health, and home care and service providers, as well as the business and local governmental agencies.
2475 McDougall, Suite 245, Windsor, ONT, N8X 3N9
Phone: 519-250-5656
At the Windsor Family Health Team we've taken steps to ensure LGBT people in our community receive culturally sensitive health care services. Our team regularly receives training on LGBT health matters and are proud to declare our clinic a LGBT positive space.